unfortunately after 2 years of work and development inclue! has run out of funding. We are 6 weeks away from launching a video directory offering. The only choice now for the firm is to offer the core technology up for sale. Here are some snap shots of what the video directory could look like:
The idea is that inclue! creates a browsable and subscribable TV guide inside of outlook and outlook express.
People can sign up for the episodic content they like and get is delivered. Here is a Download prototypedirectory.pps mocked up in PowerPoint.
Yes I am an MBA so guilty of using Power Point too much. I am also a hack anthropologist, so probably use ethnography too much as well.
If you know of a media company that might be interested in being the gateway for end users searching for and subscribing to video content let us know. nick (at) inclue.com
The current version of inclue! online will be available for the foreseeable future.
They key technology was built by some of the best people we could find in the world. This is a nice "relationship" tool for a media company.
The development requirements are a few server side tweaks and some HTML. Full data available on request.