Ouch. I am dumping microsoft technology as fast I can. My laptop at home was taking 15-20 minutes to boot up. I dumped all non-essential programs and ran a bunch of registry cleaning utilities. In the process my laptop operating system (windows XP) died and I had to restore it. This means losing everything. I spent 6-8 hours this weekend performing updates and trying to recall passwords. I was probably spending 20 minutes a day waiting for XP to boot or un-hibernate. whatever. That works out to bogus Microsoft products stealing 120 hours a year or (3 weeks) from me.
I am now using Staroffice (free replacement for office), Thunderbird for e-mail (an outlook replacement) and a few services from Google for calandering and RSS reading.. I will hopefully never have to purchase or recommend another microsoft product. I am looking into UBUNTU as my next operating system of choice for my non-mac work.
Bye microsoft it was a nice 14 years we had together but I feel I need to grow. Hey its not you, its me ;)...oh and I want my life back.