Ahh, the new year and a little TMI (too much information). I stepped on the scales today, an act which has conveniently slipped my mind for awhile. I weighed in at a nice 119. Time to stop blaming my pants for shrinking.
Now many of you may think, ah ha another skinny little financial analyst with a squeaky voice weighing all of 119. Alas dear reader it isn't so. A look at my photo will indicate the hint of an extra and unfortunate chin. I am 6'4" not quite as intimidating as the mighty former Central Banker Paul Volcker who stood 6'7", but rather large all the same.
Being married to a European and living in Europe for 9 years means I measure in metric, for those of you who don't know how to convert Kilos to Pounds, I say you are better off. Let's just say that at 119 kilos I have two paths to choose now in life. I either stay with the financial analysis work I deeply enjoy or pursue a career in wrestling. Unfortunately ever since, I discovered wrestling is fake (sorry to shock anyone of gentle sensibilities and a delicate mind), I have been forced to pursue less exotic career options.
So time to start exercising and lose 15 Kilos. My goal is to be a lean 104 kilos. For those not conversant in metric, don't worry at 104, I won't exactly be wispy, but will be a little more healthy.