Deviant behaviour is what makes history. Most people think of deviance in the negative, but deviance is by definition anything outside of the norm.
As the anthropologist Margaret Meade said,
"A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
In that vein Simon Schama a brilliant Historian delivers the goods and the people that shaped great events.
My wife and I don't own a TV (sorry we are heretics, have been for years), we do watch DVD's on a projection screen and have spent hours watching Schama explain British History and Art History. This post is nothing more than a plug for a brilliant set of DVD's and education about the deviant people who shaped the history of art, England and the world.
If you like happy go lucky history watch some Ken Burns, if you like someone who will dish the dirt and make it personal, then Schama is your man. The BBC is really at the top of its game in these productions.